Monday, September 20, 2010

Distribution... Finally!

For the past month and a half, I've been working on the marketing and packaging design for "continue". Levi Lebo, a local designer, has done an amazing job creating imagery that compliments our film. I'm extremely pleased with Levi's work. And also thank him for being patient with Jeff and I.

After weeks of hard work and several design revisions, Levi, Jeff and I finally completed the DVD packaging design. Last week we sent the image files to a DVD publishing company to have 1000 copies created for The 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Spinal Cord Professionals, an upcoming conference in Las Vegas. Jeff and I will be heading down to promote the film on September 22 - 24 and hand out free copies of the DVD to conference goers. When we return, we will begin distributing the DVDs to rehab facilities accross the United States and elsewhere. We will also be delivering DVDs to the cast and crew who helped make the film possible.

Yes, it's taken a while to get the DVDs created. Several have sent me threatening messages, indicating that their patience has expired. I do apologize. However, in my (and Jeff's) defense, we wanted to make sure that the quality of the marketing/packaging materials was nothing less than outstanding. Why spend seven years on a production, just to slap something together in photoshop.

Currently, as I write this post, the DVDs are being pressed and finalized. They will be delivered to our Vegas destination, just in time for the conference. We will screen the film at our booth and talk about our production with those who work in the SCI industry. I'm excited to finally have a finished product. This final step marks the end of a very long and enjoyable journey.


Mark Smith said...

Good work, Stan!! Let me know if there is anything Access Utah Network can do to help!

Margy Rosenbluth said...

Hi Stan,
Allan and I were so excited to see this on FB today!! FINALLY!! Congratulations. Can't wait for our personal L.A. premiere!!
Margy Rosenbluth