Sunday, July 20, 2008

Missing Photos and Updates!

I met with my producer/DP on Friday and he's going to be delivering the raw footage the week of August 4th. This pushes post-production back a couple of weeks, but that shouldn't create too many problems. I'll still have about four months to get this thing assembled.

I'm also working on a "coming soon" website for the production. There's a few minor things to work out before the site goes live. But when it does, I think it will look really good. Simple...but good. I hope that happens by next Friday, but that might be wishful thinking. If it doesn't go live on Friday, it will have to wait until the first of August.

Okay, that's the update for now. Until the next update, here are some of the missing photos from our Southern Utah shoot.

Here's the U-HAUL rig we used to capture the close-up handcycling shots.

Chris Waddell using the One-Off. The setup took forever, but the shots paid off.

Stan reviewing shots with Abby Hoffman

Jeff is measuring the distance between the lens and the wheelchair racer, for a technical shot.

Here's the group photo from our last Southern Utah shoot. That's Stan's mom (a.k.a. production driver) on the far right.

One last update: T9-10 Productions now has a logo. Check out these bad boys:


Stephanie said...

Great pics! I love the logo, too. :)

GustoBones said...

Love the shots! You look in your element behind the camera!